Fees shown are effective 1st July 2024

Pregnancy Ultrasound Costs – Single Pregnancy


Service Cost Estimated Rebate from Medicare Out of Pocket Expenses
Dating Scan up to 12 Weeks $310 $57.20 $252.80
12-16 Weeks Anatomy Scan $415 $66.75 $348.25
17-22 Weeks Morphology Scan $435 $95.35 $339.65
>22 Weeks Growth Scan $425 $95.35 $329.65
>22 Week AFI & Dopplers Check $200 $109.60 $90.40


Pregnancy Ultrasound Costs – Multiple Pregnancy


Service Cost Estimated Rebate from Medicare Out of Pocket Expenses
Dating Scan up to 12 Weeks $385 $57.20 $327.80
12-16 Weeks Anatomy Scan $620 $66.75 $553.25
17-22 Weeks Morphology Scan $655 $142.95 $512.05
>22 Weeks Growth Scan $570 $142.95 $427.05
>22 Week AFI & Dopplers Check $225 $152.45 $72.55


Pregnancy Procedure Costs


Service Cost Estimated Rebate from Medicare Out of Pocket Expenses
CVS – single pregnancy $815 $218 $597
Amniocentesis – single pregnancy $685 $161 $524
Amniocentesis – multiple pregnancy $1,030 $261 $769


Gynaecological Ultrasound Costs


Service Cost Estimated Rebate from Medicare Out of Pocket Expenses
Gynaecological Scan (Pelvic Ultrasound) $445 $93.70 $351.30
Baseline Pre IVF Scan $465 $161.60 $303.40
Private Follicle Tracking Scan $160 $93.70 $66.30
Endometriosis Scan (with bowel preparation) $530 $148 $382
Saline Sonohysterography $520 $121 $399
Tubal Patency Study $775 $121 $654
Tubal Patency Study with Lipiodol $1,220 $121 $1,099

Find out more about pregnancy ultrasounds.

All prices shown are the full price after Medicare rebates.
*Scan costs may vary upon individual circumstances.

Genetic Screening Costs

Service Cost Estimated Rebate from Medicare Out of Pocket Expenses
Genetic Carrier Screening Test – Three Gene
Individual (1 test)
N/A (bulk billed) N/A (bulk billed) N/A (bulk billed)
Genetic Carrier Screening Test – Expanded
Individual (1 test)
$695 $0 $695
Genetic Carrier Screening Test – Expanded
Couple (2 tests)
$990 $0 $990
NIPT $530 $0 $530

Find out more about Genetic Carrier Screening vs NIPT genetic testing.